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About Marcus

About Marcus



I experienced a relentless desire from my early childhood years to understand as much as I could about humanity, life, and how to solve the problems we face on our journeys.  My upbringing on a farm has given me a down to earth and realistic approach to these goals, and I sought to broaden this perspective with a training in science, business experience, an independent study of psychology, spirituality, and many other fields.  I therefore describe myself as a polymath, I believe everyone, and everything is of value, and as a result have an obsession with studying and experiencing life as broadly as possible.  This has lead me to travel widely, live with different cultures, experience a full range of natural environments, and seek many extremes of human experience.  One of the many extremes I have sought is that of spiritual experience; at the age of 17 I had a profound experience of enlightenment that fundamentally changed my view of life; I am a mystic who has had intense visions, spiritual experiences, and tantric sexual experience, over extended periods of time.
               My life long quest to understand human behaviour, all of life, and how to resolve the difficulties I and so many people face, has lead me into professional work in life coaching, and running sex and relationship workshops, along with running my political party, businesses, and carrying out research.  I have a degree in Physics from Oxford University, which I find extremely useful and relevant to all my work, as I use these tools to bring logic and a rigorous scientific method to all my training and research.  I also use intuitive, creative, and spiritual approaches, and I work closely with my partner Rosie Morrell who is a professional therapist.


My lifestyle is unusual, as I believe ultimately, by fully coming to know ourself and resolving everything within us, we come to know and resolve everything outside of us, and fulfil our dreams.  As a result of this belief, my time is spent in a form of ongoing personal retreat with my partner, and we have specifically chosen to minimise our social contact with others, so that we are able to create a space in which we focus on personal training together.  We believe that it is only through fully understanding ourselves that we can fully understand anything, and when I say anything, I include all areas of science, knowledge, and experience in this.  The limits we are currently facing in our understanding of science and human psychology, are simply the individual limits in our own understanding of ourselves.  This is not just our belief, it is our daily experience, as we have repeatedly found that when we dig down and resolve a deeper part of ourselves we gain a new understanding.  We have repeated this process so many times that we are now at the point where we have an understanding which we believe explains all of human psychology, and how all our difficulties can be resolved.  I understand that this may sound grandiose, or fanciful, however it is exactly this understanding that I offer and bring to my clients; I invite them to challenge me on this, and I will always offer a clear path to resolution for any problem I am presented with.  If I am not able to do this, I will go away and work on the problem until I find an answer. 


Putting these answers into practice is essentially simple but not necessarily easy, and in general results in daily training throughout life.  This is very much the training I am doing with Rosie, and a way of life I encourage my clients to adopt if they wish to keep progressing in their lives.  All of this feeds into the central purpose of my entire life; to Empower Everyone, Solve Everything, and Fulfil Every Dream, and at the heart of this is my belief that Everyone is God.


Qualifications & Experience:


I help people from the basis of my own independent research and training in psychology, my journey of resolving my own challenges, the broad life experiences I have had, and the therapeutic methods I have developed.  My therapeutic methods have similarities to many of the current techniques of therapy such as Psychotherapy, CBT, Internal Family Systems and EFT, indeed I believe all of these approaches are helpful along with other methods in order to make progress.  It is difficult to put a figure on it, but I estimate that I have done at the very minimum 30,000 hours of personal research and training to develop my understanding of human psychology and how to help people.  I also work closely with my partner and have the benefit of her knowledge, in that she is a therapist, with a degree in psychology, and qualifications in various therapies.  A list of key areas of this 30,000 hours of training is as follows, with a much more detailed description of my experience below.


  • Sexual research into human sexuality carried out on over 1000 clients.

  • Over 1100 hours of channelled therapy from my partner.

  • Therapy with different professionals from different disciplines.

  • 25 years of intense depression and anxiety, and learning how to resolve these (and other) mental health issues.

  • Somewhere between 10 and 20 thousand hours of meditation. 

  • Attendance of therapeutic, spiritual and tantric workshops.

  • Broad reading and research into psychology and many other fields of science.

  • Study and experience of economics, banking, law, manufacturing, and business.

  • Extensive study of maths, physics, logic, and the scientific method.

  • Time spent living with different cultures around the world.

  • Survival and adventure experience in mountains, deserts, jungles, and at sea.

  • Extensive enquiry and observation of my relationships with a broad range of women from many different cultural backgrounds across the world.

  • Broad, and at times extreme, spiritual and tantric training and experience.

  • The leadership of a political party and creation of a complete set of policies to address all aspects of society.


​My experience is that there is great merit in academic study of psychology and training in therapy, (and all other subjects) however this alone cannot give a full understanding of life and humanity.  Life is complex and vast in it's possibilities, and it is only with personal experience, and the overcoming of ones inner and outer challenges, can we fully understand how we function, how life functions, and how to resolve issues.  

          Without experience that is relevant to a client's difficulties, a life coach or therapist cannot fully understand what the client is struggling with and how to resolve it.  I believe therefore that a life coach can only understand and help a client resolve their issues, to the same degree that the life coach has understood and resolved their own issues, or put another way I can only see as deep into the client, as I can see into myself.  Given this, I regard life experience, of having and overcoming challenges, as our greatest teacher, and the primary and most important qualification required for life coaching.  

         One area of challenge we often face is poor decision making and failure, and I regard this in the same way as I regard all other challenge, as highly valuable, for in general although succeeding may be the end goal, you usually learn far more from failing and then trying again.  I therefore offer my life experience, the challenges, the 'failures', and the successes, I have had, as the main body of my qualification for life coaching, and describe key areas of my experience below.  In this way clients can assess if they feel that I am qualified to help them with their difficulties, and also I wish to demonstrate to them that I am as human and vulnerable as they are, my life coaching is therefore carried out on the basis that I am always equal with my client. 


Academic qualifications and training:


M.A. Physics, Oxford University.

CPD Certificate in Wealth through property.

Reiki 3 Attuned.


Areas of my life experience (in detail):


Mental and emotional challenges:


I struggled with severe depression, anxiety and fear from my mid teens to around the age of 40.  For these 25 years I experienced almost continuous emotional and mental pain, that ranged from a background feeling of unease to daily experiences that were of an extremity of pain which I cannot adequately put into words.  When I had these extreme experiences I would go into shock, temporary mental breakdown, and a physical experience of my body shutting down to the point that I experienced a form of paralysis.  This would leave me with no other option than lying in bed alone in my dormitory at boarding school.  Loneliness and isolation were a recurrent theme at this school and thereafter, and through a combination of all these difficulties and specific circumstances, I later experienced a period of compulsive suicidal thoughts. 


I saw my life through this period as a survival exercise, my strategy was to get through the pain of each day without succumbing to insanity or suicide, I told myself that if I was alive and sane at the end of the day, then this was a good day.  In this way I gave myself the time to try and find an answer and cure to the suffering I was experiencing.  I do not wish to over dramatize my experiences, but understanding human psychology and how to resolve mental issues was therefore something that I felt was a matter of life or death for me through this period of my life.  This is because if I was unsuccessful, it felt probably to me that I would eventually be broken to the point of insanity or committing suicide, so I had a very strong personal motivation and drive to understand human psychology.  Around the age of 40 I made fundamental breakthroughs in myself and my life that resulted in major improvements in my mental and emotional health, I gained deep insights into how we work and what causes mental and emotional health issues, and I succeeding in resolving much of the pain I was feeling.  Although these challenges are still present in my life, my relationship with them is greatly improved and very different now.  My drive to understand psychology remains just as strong, and I have deepened my understanding greatly in the 11 years following my breakthrough, with many avenues of research and personal training.  These 25 years remains the greatest challenge I have ever faced.


I have mild dyslexia, and some autistic traits such as hypersensitivity to my environment, I experience intense noise anxiety under specific circumstances, obsessive compulsive disorders, and difficulty in certain social situations.  I struggle with lack of confidence and a feeling of being deeply challenged by life at times.  I have a compulsive desire for broad knowledge and experience, that can become obsessive and difficult, in that I struggle to achieve everything I wish to complete, and cause considerable anxiety for myself in the process.  At times I struggle with over seriousness, difficulty relaxing, and physical expressions of love.  All of this experience gives me a deep empathy with my clients, as I am able to relate directly to many of their inner challenges.


Sexual disfunction:


I have a complex ongoing journey with sex and relationship.  I experienced extreme sexual desire for adult women from the age of 3 onwards, forming sex addiction.  In spite of this desire, it has been rare that I have been able to enjoy sex fully in my adult life, and sex therefore is a source of difficulty for me. 


This difficulty provides me with a continual and strong motivation to explore very deeply within myself, in order to gain a full understanding of human sexuality and our psychology, so that ultimately I can fully enjoy sex and relationship.  I believe a comprehensive understanding of human sexuality is of paramount importance for humanity, as it is not fully understood, but yet is fundamental in resolving the underlying forces driving human psychology and all of our behaviour.  I have a clear understanding of human sexuality, and exactly what I am seeking in my own sexual and romantic journey.  The difficulties I have with sex gives me greater empathy and understanding of the many sexual difficulties clients present with.


Sexual and physical abuse:


At my first school around the ages of 6 until 9, I experienced verbal and physical abuse from my Head mistress, and the deputy Head mistress.  Around the age of 11 to 12, I experienced grooming and mild sexual abuse by a male teacher, at the boarding school I attended.


These experiences have given me insights into how we develop emotionally, they have revealed to me some of the many vulnerabilities of children and adults, and how sexual and behavioural dysfunction can arise in adults.  It has given me a deeper understanding of the crucial role of parenting, how we raise our child, and the profound ongoing effects of this throughout adult life.


Employed work:


After my degree, I taught maths and physics at GCSE and A-level for 2 years in a tutorial college in Oxford.


Business experience:


After teaching I have owned and run three different types of business:


I started as a sole trader making fitted and freestanding furniture.  The first few years of this provided a very valuable experience of poverty and living on a very small income, in that I was earning (and living on), in the region of £1.90 an hour or £5000 per year.  This business grew to a maximum size of 7 employees, producing a very broad range of bespoke projects for private and business customers, and CNC component manufacture for many other manufacturers.


The furniture business completed many successful projects, and won some of the highest awards in the industry, but I always struggled with profitability and other issues that I never fully mastered, hence leading to my decision to enter into my second business; commercial property development.  I obtained planning permission to redevelop a redundant family farm into a business park.  In order to save costs and ultimately be able to fund the project myself, I undertook all the professional roles, and therefore personally carried out the roles of planning consultant, architect, project management, and site management.  This project was very unusual as the design I created was fully ecological, in that the redundant farm was demolished very carefully, fully recycled on site, and the new building used ecological materials being constructed mostly from timber, rather than the standard steel/block/brick construction of commercial buildings.  Carrying out the professional roles gave me a great insight into the interface of business with the local government departments of planning and build control, and how the complete chain of processes works, from initial concept and planning, through to design and build regulations, to construction and completion.  This project would be valued at approximately £2.5 million if put out to tender.  However my approach of carrying out the professional tasks myself, the cost effective design of the building, the methodology with which I ran the construction project, and some exceptionally good sub-contractors and staff, meant that I was able to minimise costs to well under £1 million (all amounts in todays money).  This project gave me a much deeper understanding of how the processes and systems with which projects and business are run, can be made much more efficient, ultimately leading to an economy that is far more productive and prosperous for everyone.


The successful completion of the business park lead into my third business, that of being a commercial landlord.  I found this business to be surprisingly different to my previous two businesses, and although I never expected it to be straightforward, it proved to be more complex and a far steeper learning curve than I anticipated.  In particular this was the first time that I had the responsibility of running a larger site, but not being in direct control of everything that happens on that site, as I was with my former businesses.  These dynamics were very different to before, as now I was part of a collective of businesses, who although were independent of each other and had different interests, they also had interrelationships, and a common premises.  I found this to be a very valuable experience, one that felt more akin to the role a government plays, rather than the role of a business owner.


One notable experience took place 3 years after completing the business park; a major fire caused significant damage to the main building.  The entire insurance claim, valued at approximately £1/2 million, was rejected by my insurer, and I had a 6 year legal battle with them that ultimately failed to yield any pay-out (I later received a quarter of the claim from the electricians insurance, on account of his causing the fire through a faulty electrical connection).  This experience gave me deep insights into the world of liability, risk, contract law, how the legal process works in reality, the psychology of responsibility and blame, and how liability is both mitigated, and also increased, by insurance companies.  It was an intense lesson in key aspects of how our world currently works, and how it does not work.


My experience of being raised and working on a farm, running businesses, and studying human psychology has been extremely enriching for me in many ways.  It has in a sense allowed me to gain an understanding of the entire human journey, from the birth and sustaining of life from our physical environment, through the economic, business,  infrastructure, and government systems that governs much of our modern life, along with the human psychology that is driving all our decisions in all these systems.  It is combined and broad experience such as this which I feel gives us the deepest understanding of humanity and life.


Marriage and family life:


There have been two events in my family life that have proved extremely transformative amongst many others.  The first of which is the experience of falling in love, marrying, raising young children, divorcing, and being a part time single parent.  My marriage to my ex-wife was difficult and traumatic for myself (and my ex-wife and children), and this ultimately resulted in divorce.  After divorcing at the age of 39 I started to understand how the unresolved fears and beliefs I had, led me into the difficulties of my marriage, and how this profoundly impacted my children.  This impact, along with fundamental differences in beliefs, later resulted, with great sadness on all parts, in a total splitting of my family into two separate parts. I no longer have contact with my ex-wife, or my son who lives exclusively with her, and my daughter no longer has contact with her mother and lives exclusively with me.  Ceasing contact with my son has been one of the hardest experiences of my life, and has meant I have had to go to deep parts of myself to be able to live with, and now resolve, this pain within myself.


The experience of my separating from members of my family also occurred in another way for similar reasons.  I came to the point that I felt the differences of beliefs (in particular how to resolve issues between us), that I had with my father, mother, and siblings, where so great, that it was no longer beneficial for any of us for me to have contact with them.  As a result of this, out of my entire family, the only member I now have contact with is my daughter.


Coming to terms with these experiences has driven me very deep into myself, and I have had to answer difficult questions of myself, such as how and why I have created this for myself.  I have come to clear answers to these questions, and am in a more grounded and peaceful place than I have ever been.  One of the many things I have understood is how our fears can drive us very deeply into dysfunctional relationships, that then create ongoing and further issues in our life, such as dysfunctional parenting.  I understand from first hand experience how basic life experiences that so many of us have, such as love, relationship, marriage, parenting children, and divorce, can become so difficult, that we become lost in them, and cause a break down in functional living.


Criminal experience:


Around the time of my divorce, I briefly took in some newly made friends, a couple, that were being evicted from their rented property next door to my house.  It was at a time that I was very vulnerable on account of struggling with the implications of divorce, debt, business pressures, and profound changes within myself, and the opportunity to have some supportive friends around me, and to be of help to them seemed like a good thing.  My so called new friends turned out to be extremely skilled manipulators and con artists, and they set about exploiting and increasing my vulnerabilities, firstly through befriending me and advising me that the husband was terminally ill, then ultimately with theft, intimidation and suggestions of violence.  I also had been unwittingly drawn into business with them, and was unable to process the complexities of the situation I was in.  My vulnerabilities became completely overwhelming, and at the suggestion of my 'friends', I was very nearly drawn into committing criminal activity with them (insurance fraud).  Ultimately although I did not carryout this activity, they succeeded in extorting and stealing in the region of £50,000 worth of money and property from me.


At the time I became broken by this experience, on the back of my divorce and other pressures; it lead to a short period of uncontrollable suicidal thoughts.  However, I was able to process it thereafter, with very profound effects on my understanding of humanity.  I saw from my own experience how well meaning people (such as myself), who have unresolved fears and issues within them, become vulnerable.  This vulnerability can cause us to lead ourselves into experiences and situations that escalate and completely overwhelm us.  Being overwhelmed can lead to a loss of reality, and a state of ongoing panic or desperation; when this happens, we become ungrounded, loose the ability to reason and make sensible decisions, and ultimately can be broken down to the point of crime.  I understood the great vulnerability that is within all of us, and how easily we can be overwhelmed by it.  I felt like I had looked through a window into some of the darkest aspects of human behaviour, and it became much clearer to me how humans can be lead to commit crimes of all natures.  This has given me a far greater sense of understanding and empathy with all people, and in particular those that apparently make poor decisions, are not coping, or go on to commit crime.  Given my experience I am not inclined to judge people so much as I would have, and do not feel different to them.  This has proved very beneficial when working with clients, as I feel I am with them when they speak of their difficulties, dysfunctions, and on occasion their experiences of being drawn into crime. 


Relationship and sexual experience.


After divorcing, I wanted to explore new relationships.  This lead to a wonderful journey where I had a number of relationships of various lengths.  The extraordinary aspect of this was that it was like a spontaneous but comprehensive training in different aspects of relationship and sex, and I noticed a repeated pattern.  I noticed in my being extremely honest, open, and protective of my partners, they trusted me deeply, and felt very safe.  As soon as this happened, their sexuality opened, and I repeatedly witnessed women who had had very vanilla sex lives prior to me, now suddenly had intense desires to act out and fulfil a very broad range of sexual acts, many of which went to the extremes of kink and the darker aspects of sexual practice.  Interestingly, age seemed to have no bearing on this, and I had one partner who was much older than me, and who demonstrated the same opening of very strong sexual desires.  It felt like I was somehow and unwittingly leading myself through a pre-planned university of life course in sex and relationship. I relentlessly sought to study and understand why these women were having such dramatic changes in their behaviour, and what all their extreme sexual desires were showing me about human behaviour and sexuality.  Every partner I had seemed to show me a different fundamental aspect of relationship and sexuality, some showed me about gentle aspects of romance, while others wanted to surrender and be dominated, and others wanted much darker and extreme experiences. These experiences gave me a much deeper knowledge, and this lead me into running workshops on sex, relationship, tantra, and spirituality.  In these workshops I teach men and women how to open and explore their full sexualities, along with many other areas of training.


The process of opening up sexuality went into a new extreme and arena when I met Rosie, who again followed exactly the same pattern.  Prior to meeting me she had what was by all accounts a vanilla sex life, but since we started our relationship, her sexual behaviour has evolved to the point now that she is a sexual researcher, therapist, and powerful sexual performer.  We are now on a conscious sexual journey together in which we explore and train with each other, and we open up our relationship to other partners so we can gain more and deeper understanding.  We negotiate many complex dynamics in our relationship as a consequence of it's explorative nature, and although this is very challenging at times, it equips us in a comprehensive way to carry out work with our clients, and guide them in their own journey.


Spiritual and tantric experience:


At the age of 17, after experimenting with meditation, I had what you could describe as the archetypal experience of enlightenment; for an instant I knew and felt categorically that we all know everything in the universe and that everything is one.  The experience was absolute, there was no doubt in any part of it, from this moment on something fundamental changed within me, I had glimpsed the infinite knowledge and power that is in all of us.


Since this time I have had many further and varied spiritual experiences, some have been brief whereas others have been over a period of weeks or months.  The nature of these experiences is broad and can be hard to describe, their intensity has ranged from mild to the point that I have had visions that are so intense and charged with truth that I have entered into near epileptic fit type experiences in which I have had seizures.  


Similarly I have had a broad range of sexual and tantric experiences with lovers.  One very unexpected and wonderful aspect of my tantric experience is that of Goddess initiations.  As I explained in the section above, I found that I was able to help women open their sexuality in my relationships with them.  This opening would happen to such an extent that a proportion of my lovers would go into trances, become semiconscious or unconscious, and embody Goddesses.  In these experiences their appearance and behaviour changes somewhat to match that of the Goddess, and sometimes their eyes roll up so that they appear completely white, or alternatively they flutter.  I call these experiences Goddess initiations, they ranged in intensity from mild, to very intense, and on one occasion my lover embodied extreme physical strength and proceeded to completely overwhelm me. 


In total I have experienced this phenomenon with six different lovers, and have studied it at length with Rosie, who is now capable of almost immediately embodying and channelling any Goddess (or guide), as we make love, or at other times.  One of the things this has taught me is that we are all regularly embodying and channelling all sorts of energies.  Common times when this happens is when people are highly inspired such as when performing musically or artistically, another common time is during orgasm, however unusually it is subtle and unnoticed.  This experience and study gives me a wealth of knowledge to share with clients, and I bring this understanding to those that have an interest in spirituality and Tantra. 


Travel, foreign culture and adventure:


I have lived within three different cultural backgrounds, British, Greek, and Indian.  This is on account of my living in Britain, my mother being Greek, and my ex-wife being Sikh.  An intimate understanding of these three cultures has been very revealing of how our cultural up brining affects our psychology, society, and the issues and strengths a particular culture creates for itself.


I have sought any opportunity to live and work with locals of varied cultural backgrounds, and for brief periods have lived with people all over the world, such as with locals in the Amazon Jungle, Mexico city, Tibetan monks in northern India, Palestinians in the West Bank of Israel, and the monastic community of Mount Athos in Greece.


I have always sought adventure and a degree of risk, as a consequence I have put myself into positions of varying danger, in jungle, desert, air, mountain, sea, and human environments.  I have been in many survival situations, which although not of a very extreme or extended nature, have taught me how to take care of myself in more challenging environments, and how easily things can go disastrously wrong, if we are lacking in basic knowledge, correct equipment, and good planning.  Survival experience has proved extremely valuable; it has taught me how it is not just in wilderness environments, but also in normal daily life, that if we do not take care of ourselves in the correct way, things can go wrong very quickly.


Hobbies, interests and study:


I am what I describe as an obsessive and extreme polymath, I have a relentless desire and compulsion to understand and experience everything.  Some of my hobbies, interests, and areas of study include maths, physics, psychology, law, history, music theory, meteorology, history, horology, politics, economics, and geography, alongside practical pursuits such as gardening and growing your own food, manual work, farming, all trades and crafts, manufacturing, property development, business, furniture making, walking, hunting, sailing, squash, playing musical instruments, art, remote control gliders, and many other things.  All of these hobbies help me understand the different passions that drive humanity.


Political experience:


Prior to the 2024 general parliamentary election, I created, with the help of Rosie, a new political party called Everyone is God.  This brought together my mission to Empower Everyone, Solve Everything, and Fulfil Every Dream, into one single entity.  This entity integrates psychology, sexuality, spirituality, sociology, business, economics, education, and politics into one vision, which is encapsulated in a full set of political policies which I have published on our website. 


I ran for West Dorset, and Rosie ran for South Dorset in the 2024 General Election, to contest seats in parliament.  The experience was a wonderful journey, and gave us a completely different way of interfacing with people and the general public, we attended events of up to 500 people where we (the candidates standing in the constituency) took questions from the public and presented our solutions.  In our campaigning we found that politics is almost a universal language that everyone speaks, and has some sort of interest in.  It continues to give us deeper insights into the things people struggle with, their ideas and aspirations, the challenges we all face, and how we can all work together to find solutions to those challenges.  Our Party is growing, and we welcome new members and candidates for the next general election, if you are interested, more information can be found here.




I passionately believe that a full and broad range of personal first hand experience is the most essential qualification of any life coach; only through experiencing life, wrestling with challenges, and finding solutions to them, can we really live and understand ourselves and living.  To this end I have sought to study and explore the extremes of human experience and everything in between, as far as I have been able.  With every new experience, I have unwaveringly found, comes new and deeper knowledge, and it is from this basis that I offer coaching to my clients.



About Rosie

About Rosie



Rosie has a background in psychology, teaching, and therapy.  She has a degree in psychology and advanced qualifications in Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Reiki, she is also a spiritual channel, and has practiced in these therapies since 2014.  She has always had an interest in sexual therapy, and specialises in this area.  She had a very unconventional upbringing, in near slum conditions, and has had experiences of sexual and physical abuse from people outside of her family, as a child.  This experience has helped her in working with a number of women who have experienced sexual abuse as children.  In 2019 she took, with my full support, the somewhat bold step of adding online sexual therapy and performance to the services she offers, as described in the next sections.  If you have an interest in any of these services, please enquire through the contact page.



Online sexual performance and therapy

Online Sexual Therapy and Performance

Photography: Marcus White ©



Rosie is skilled in sexual therapy and performance, and carries out this service online on some of the mainstream sex workers platforms.  We regard working on this platform as an extremely beneficial experience for any sex therapist, as it has enabled us to gain a much deeper understanding of male and female sexuality.  This sexual media or channel offers a unique opportunity, it provides possibly an unrivalled window of truth into human sexuality; one that is highly revealing and honest, and therefore of great scientific value.  It connected us into the full unrestricted truth of what men really desire, and how to help them with their most troubling sexual and relationship issues.  It also has given us greater confidence in our own sexuality and ability to help people with theirs.  Our belief that first-hand experience is always the best training, was greatly reaffirmed by this ongoing experience; we became strongly connected with, and intimately close to, all the extremes of human sexuality.   We believe this to be valuable and essential experience for any therapist that wishes to work in this area.



About Marcus & Rosie

About Marcus & Rosie



We, Marcus and Rosie, are romantic partners and a therapeutic team, we are on a life long quest to understand people and all of life, and to this end we dedicate much of our time to our own independent research and personal development.  We each provide therapy and guidance to each other, and act together in all our work with clients.  We believe that only by studying broadly, can a deep understanding of any field be gained, and we therefore draw upon and seek broad personal experience, science, spirituality, and practicality, as our sources from which to learn.  We believe that the perspective offered by science alone is not the full picture; for example mainstream therapies do not offer reliable solutions to many of our issues, and in general there is almost an infinity of scientific questions that are as yet unanswered, along with many philosophical and moral questions.  This in itself proves our science is not complete, and that operating within the framework of current science leads to a limited set of answers.


Because of our acute awareness of these facts, we consciously choose to go beyond the boundaries of mainstream science in our own independent research to find answers to human problems, while at the same time valuing and using the rigorous approach and data offered by science.  Some of these areas of research are described below.



Our research

Sexual behaviour research


Please be advised that this section contains data on taboo, and illegal sexual interests, that some may find shocking or offensive.  Please note: We have consulted with the police, government advisors, and the law, in order to ensure that our research is carried out in a correct and ethical way.


In May 2020 we began collecting anonymous data on Rosie's online clients (see online sexual therapy and performance section above).  Our aim was simply to record the sexual interests clients presented with, i.e. what they were sexually aroused by, desired, fantasised about, or requested therapy with.  Our particular area of interest was the taboo sexual desires, but we recorded all other areas that were presented.  We divided data into two groups; those requesting sexual therapy, and those requesting sexual performance, clients who asked for both, were logged in both categories. With each new client, we simply logged their areas of interest, if new interests presented that we had not come across before, we would create a new category for this interest.  This research is ongoing and to date we have compiled data on over 450 men; a surprising (and possibly shocking for some) picture emerged, a somewhat similar experience to the first sexual survey famously carried out by Kinsey in 1948.  The data soon guided what categories we required, and we rapidly created main categories such as incest, paedophilia, and fetish etc, and these were divided down into individual categories, such as mother incest, sister incest etc.  


Possibly the most surprising result was that 45% of clients wanting therapy had incest desires, (this is broken down further in the subsection below).  The incest category was the largest main category, and sexual desire for their mothers was the biggest individual category of all under this main category, in both therapy and performance, followed by step mothers, mothers in-law, sisters, and daughters.  We included step mothers, and mother in-laws in the incest main category although technically this is not incest, as we believe as therapists that this is the same psychological issue.  15% of our clients had paedophile sexual desires.  Many clients reported having sexual desire, quite often strongly, in early childhood onwards, and in one case this was from 2 years of age.  Dark sexual fantasy was common, including extremes such as sex with their dead mother, and abduction and/or rape of mother, children, and even babies.  Clients appeared to be a broad range of ethnic and social backgrounds, and included doctors, other professionals, and business owners.  Anecdotal evidence from other online sexual performers, was that they were having a similar experience to us.  Our main results regarding taboo sexual  desires are as follows:


Taboo Sexual interest of Clients:     


Adult family members, e.g. mother, step mother, daughter, sister, etc (incest)

Performance   24%                Therapy  13%


Underage non family members (paedophilia)

Performance   14%                Therapy   12%


Clients who wanted/had sexual activity when they were underage, (2-15 years old)

Performance   43%                Therapy   27%


Clients who had some sexual interest in an illegal sexual act

Performance   50%                Therapy   37%


We feel this research has provided us with an extraordinary window into the reality of male sexual behaviour and interests.  Especially considering that all our figures are minimum figures, as we only collect data on what clients tell us, there could be many more of our clients who have interests that they have not told us about, and this is more likely to be the case when the interest is taboo, or illegal.  Our research and experience has given us deep insights into human sexuality and behaviour, and we have developed our own psychological/sexual understanding to explain all the desires we are presented with; we see how sex drives so much of our clients lives and behaviour.  The thing we feel that our data tells us above all else is that the desires of men simply does not follow the law, the accepted social boundaries around sex that people believe might exist, and that our understanding of human sexuality is at best not fully correct, complete or realistic.   We believe much more research and radicle changes in our understanding is required, if we are ever to solve the issues we have with human behaviour.



My theraputic philosophy

My Therapeutic Philosophy



Some of the things I believe regarding life coaching and therapy:


  • I can only fully understand how to heal a specific issue in a client, if I have consciously healed something similar in myself.

  • Therefore I can only understand my clients to the degree I understand myself, and have life experience relevant to their issues.

  • No matter what issues I am presented with by clients, I am equally as fallible and vulnerable as they are, and in this way always equal to them; I therefore do not see any reason to judge any client in any way.

  • When the root cause of an issue is found and fully understood, the solution becomes simple.

  • The more the therapist and client can be open and honest with each other, and share, the better the therapy will be.

  • In its most effective form, therapy is a joint journey where the therapists learns and changes with the client.

  • Every mental, emotional, sexual, and external life issue humans can have, can be fully resolved.


For a full description of the therapeutic and training process I take clients through, please click here.

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