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Life Coaching

Life Coaching

Overcoming your limits to create your dreams


Our greatest challenge is ourself; between us and our dreams, lie our limiting beliefs, fears, and unresolved traumas, that hold us back.  If we are to achieve our dreams, or any goal we may have, we have to face these challenges; they can be confusing or overwhelming, and so an independent guide can help you navigate through them.  For many people, life can be a complex web of personal challenges; mental & emotional, past trauma, money, work, business, love, sex, relationship, parenting, and spiritual, all of which take place in the context of the wider issues of life and the world we live in.


The life coaching I offer my clients therefore encompasses every aspect of what we are as human beings, all our weaknesses, all our strengths, all the challenges, and all the successes.  It is a holistic combination of deep inner therapy work, coupled with practical advice which is aimed at changing the way you perceive and interact with the world, it balances everything inside of you with everything you experience outside of you, so that you become a fully grounded and empowered person of deep integrity.  It is a total advice package that considers everything; indeed I believe life coaching must encompass everything, as everything in our lives is interconnected, and nothing can be truly resolved in isolation.  So nothing is ever off the table; you can tell me anything, in a safe, friendly, and professional space that is without judgement.  


I value and enjoy greatly the opportunity to work with people in this way.  I feel privileged that clients trust and share with me what is most personal to them, and I am greatly enriched by learning about their world and working with them.  It is deeply rewarding to see clients resolve their issues, become more empowered, and achieve their dreams.


For a detailed description of how I work with clients see How I work with you below.



Business Coaching

Business Coaching



The business coaching I offer encompasses the entire system of you and your business; as a business owner or manager, who you are translates directly into how you run your business, the ways in which it is successful, and how much fulfilment and happiness it brings to your life.  The strengths and weaknesses you have within you, become the strengths and weaknesses in your business.  For example business owners that are very extraverted, and sociable, may be drawn to more marketing and sales led businesses such as wholesale and retail, whereas owners who are more introverted and technical might be drawn into manufacturing and technology based businesses.  A common area of difficulty I have seen for business owners and managers, is that there are many who are financially successful, but are under a lot of stress; they struggle to enjoy their success, and are not fully satisfied with their lives.  This can cause challenging personal issues, especially when the individual is not fully conscious of these problems, as it can leave them feeling lost, or drawn into the flawed goal of more work and making larger sums of money in order to try and remedy the lack of happiness.


It is important to realise that there is a direct relationship between you and your business that can never be avoided; the goals you are struggling to achieve in your business, will ultimately come down to things inside of you, and having a financially successful business, will not solve issues within you or your personal life that you have not addressed.  This is the reason why business coaching needs to be fully holistic if it is to really to bring benefit to you; there is no point making lots of money, if it leads you into excessive work stress, you do not see your family and friends, and it does not bring you happiness.  You need to harmonise who you are, with how you work, in order to have the fulfilment you seek. 


The business coaching I offer therefore, does not run blind, it does not just look at the practical problems of your business and solve them from a purely practical business approach, it will always consider the deeper human questions of what things inside of you might be holding you and your business back, and ultimately how you can achieve the fulfilment and happiness from your work, that you deserve.  To this end, my coaching will help you to develop a full awareness of the entire system of yourself and your business.  I will guide you in how to become aware of all the stages in the full process that starts with you, and finishes in the specific systems and setup of your business, and empower you to manage all stages according to what you wish to achieve.  In this sense, the business coaching I offer is fully holistic, in that it goes to the deepest roots of any business issue (the roots that are inside of you), and then works from there upwards, to adjust any or all stages of the process, until a full and final practical solution is found within the business.  Very generally the process I take clients through has the following steps, although every client and business situation is different, and therefore requires an individual approach.  Some clients seek a more practical approach, whereas others are more focused on the inner work and satisfaction they seek:


  1. Clarification of your business goals, with consideration to how they effect your personal life, and build your happiness.

  2. Inner work to find the root of any issues (within you) holding you and your business back, and the reprograming of them, (see How I work with you for a full description of this).

  3. Practical work to assess how the characteristics of who you are, translate into the practical ways in which you personally manage your business, and the systems you have set up.  We then isolate any of these practical areas that could be improved, and explore strategic improvements and solutions.


The strengths and weaknesses of my business coaching.


No one is good at everything, and it always is better to offer an honest assessment of this as follows:


Some of my strengths:


  • Answering possibly the deepest and most important business questions of all; why do you choose to run your business, and how can it bring you the fulfilment you wish to gain from it?

  • Overview; understanding the entirety of the system of you and your business, and ensuring all parts of it delivers the fulfilment you seek.

  • Understanding and improving who you are, and your relationship with your business, i.e. inner personal work (see How I work with you for a full description of this).

  • Dispute resolution, breaking down tension between management and staff, to avoid escalation, stress, and cost.  

  • Practical & strategic problem solving. 

  • Technical detailed analysis of your systems and procedures, for example the management structures and process of your business, the processes you and your employees go through to provide your services, or the production processes and physical setup you use to manufacture your product, the ways you collect, store, and disseminate information through your business, and the ways communication between people takes place.

  • Assessing the efficiency of the above areas; i.e. detailed analysis of the efficiency of your systems and procedures, in order to reduce cost (with reference to lean manufacturing and enterprise).

  • Simplifying procedures, to make them more efficient and easier to manage.

  • Manufacturing and construction; I have run manufacturing and construction businesses.


Some of my weaknesses:


  • Specific advice about marketing strategy; this is not an area I am passionate about, although I can advise on aspects of the sales process.

  • Although I have a clear vision of how to manage people, and have strengths in this area, my experience is that I have not always been fully able to achieve this vision, and therefore I recognise that I have more to learn.

  • I do not have direct experience working in corporations, or large institutions, although I have dealt directly with many government departments, and have the transferable skills mentioned above.




The goal of the holistic business coaching I offer, is for you to become a fully conscious and empowered business person of deep integrity; you will know who you are, what you want from your business, and how to achieve it.  As a result of this you will have a deep understanding of the entire system of you and your business, and this will bring you, your staff, and all your stakeholders, deeper fulfilment, and prosperity.



How I work with you

How I work with you



The basis that I work from is my belief and personal experience that everyone is God, and as such we have unlimited power to resolve our issues and create our dreams.  In order to realise this belief, in our everyday life, I take clients through a specific therapy and retraining process.  This process is the result of my own independent journey over the last 35 years of study, research, resolving my own challenges, and broad life experience; it goes through the following steps:


​Understanding you, your life, and the areas you need help with.  

​It starts with you, I listen to you carefully; what is your life situation, what are you having difficulty with, and what do you want to achieve?  Is the difficulty a goal that you are struggling to create, a traumatic past experience, a relationship issues, mental or emotional difficulties, parental complexities, a business challenge, or more commonly a combination of many of these common life issues that are all interrelated?


Guide you how to access and recognise the subconscious beliefs, fears, and traumas, which are underlying your issues, and which are the blocks that hold you back. 

We all have a complex web of beliefs, fears, and traumas which drive all our behaviour and decisions; these are at the root of all our issues, and in general we are almost completely unaware of these subconscious forces that are always driving our daily life and behaviour.  I will guide and teach you how to recognise the tell-tale signs of these underlying causes of your issues, and how to follow these blocks back deep into your subconscious.  This much deeper awareness of yourself, empowers you to make more conscious decisions about what to change in yourself and how to improve your life.


Learning how to unpick and reprogramme these blocks. 

Once you are aware of your blocks, I will guide you in the process of unpicking them; this is a process of understanding the relationship between your trauma, fears, and the belief systems you have tied up with them; this is what is blocking you and standing between you and your dreams.  Once you have achieved this, the correct reprogramming of your beliefs becomes much clearer, and I will take you through this process.


Empower you to realise that everything is your creation, you are not a victim of anything, and can take control of every aspect of your life. 

We are relentlessly taught throughout our entire life that we cannot control many of the events in our life, and that we therefore become the victim of them.  This is the most disempowering belief of all, as how can you take control of something that you believe you have no control over?  Some of the most extreme examples of this are when people have traumatic experiences, especially in childhood, that they feel they had no control of, and these can cause continual pain and difficulty.  I show you how to challenge the belief that you are the victim of any of your experiences, so you can take back control of past events and every aspect of your life.


Understanding that your greatest challenges provide the greatest opportunities. 

We can dread and try to avoid the pain and difficulty of our lives.  I will show you how to turn this paradigm around, and transform your greatest pains into your greatest power, so that you experience your challenges in life as powerful opportunities for self improvement.  This work requires great strength and discipline, so as gently as possible, I will act as a motivator and task master, in order to help you to make the changes you need to overcome and harness the power of your challenges.


Connecting you with your deepest and most authentic dreams, in order to create your greatest fulfilment. 

Understanding what it is that will fulfil us in our life is not always straightforward, we are taught so much of the time to do what is safe, what will earn us more money, more status, or what society thinks we should do, but none of this is likely to make us happy.  I will help you peel off these layers of conditioning, so you can connect with what is really in your heart, and what you really want to do with your life, in order to create the fulfilment you deserve.


Changing your patterns of behaviour, and actions, to align with your goals. 

All the inner work you do must be matched by your outer behaviour and actions if it is to create lasting improvement in yourself and your life.  I will encourage you, and show you how to examine your behaviour, decisions, and actions, in detail, and then how to adjust any that do not support your goals.  This brings every part of you in alignment with your dreams, and therefore maximises your potential for success.


Becoming independent so you can be your own life coach. 

The ultimate aim of my work with you is to help you to the point that you no longer need me, and although this takes time, I aim to do this as quickly as possible.  Everything I share with you is done with the intention of you being able to it for yourself.  I do not want you to be dependant in any way upon me; I wish for you to be completely self assured and independent, so you have a new set of skills which will equip you to transform any future challenge in your life into ever greater fulfilment.


If you wish to begin life coaching with Marcus click here.



The Challenge of self improvement

The Challenge of self improvement & fulfilment



Life can be a paradox: the more pain and difficulty we have, the harder it is to face and resolve, yet the greater the opportunity to empower and fulfil ourselves.  I believe it is true in many cases that those people who achieve the greatest fulfilment and success in their lives, have usually had to face and overcome the greatest pain or challenge.  The difficulty of the challenges we face will be proportional to how much pain and fear we feel inside of ourselves.  However we cannot avoid facing and resolving these feelings, if we wish to access the opportunity they present, and the fulfilment we will have from doing so.  Therefore, resolving ourselves and creating our dreams requires strength, bravery, and determination, and it does not necessarily happen immediately; it is a process that is done in layers.  We must face one layer of pain and fear in our subconscious, peel this off, have the benefit of this layer, then the next deeper layer will come up. 


We sometimes may also have to make difficult decisions in our life to support this inner work; do we need to end a relationship, change our career, or face a new challenge?  It is my own experience with myself, and with my clients, that these key processes of facing our pain and peeling off layers of our subconscious, can be repetitive and arduous at times, and sometimes as a life coach I have to present perspectives to my clients which they will find challenging.  I wish therefore to be honest with my clients right from the beginning; in order to get to your dreams, you will have to face whatever pain and fears, stand between you and these dreams; my job is to help you through this process.  I cannot take your pain away, but I can show you how to face and resolve it; ultimately only you can heal and improve your life, but I will be there in support each step of the way.



Self improvement as a way of life

Self improvement as a way of life



Although self improvement can be hard, it is my view that it ultimately brings the greatest rewards, indeed I believe it is the only way we can ever achieve anything of deep value and fulfilment to us.  Achieving any new goal requires us to face our fears, and to change into a new person who is more resolved and in possession of greater capabilities.  As stated above therefore, a key aspect of my life coaching is, in the most gentle way, to act as a motivator and task master, in order to inspire you to make the changes you need to overcome and harness the power of your challenges.  I encourage my clients to make change and progress at all times, to understand that continual self improvement is the basis of achieving any goal that is of value to us, and therefore to adopt it as a daily ongoing habit and mission in all of their life.  Once this realisation is embraced and becomes habitual, life changes dramatically, it becomes far more purposeful, and fulfilling; every day, and every experience, becomes supercharged with opportunity for ever greater things.


If you wish to have help achieving your goals click here.



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